Worldwide, Klea® 134a is used in over 12,000,000 new vehicles every year.
Klea® refrigerant gases are trusted by some of the world’s biggest automotive manufacturers. Our products are used in air conditioning systems in millions of cars and other vehicles every year.
Having established the world’s first and largest commercial R-134a production plant, our continued success in the automotive sector is built on product quality, reliability and the highest levels of customer and technical support. That’s why Klea® 134a is trusted by many of the leading industry names, as well as a large share of the aftermarket servicing sector around the world.
We’re trusted by brands like Panasonic and Mitsubishi to deliver world leading air conditioning applications.
Our refrigerant gases are used in commercial refrigeration and cooling applications all over the globe.
Our investment in R&D has trebeled since 2012. Find out how we’re increasing efficiency and reducing environmental impact.